3 Tips for Mastering Manifestation and Attracting Your Desires Fast

Laura Herde
6 min readMay 11, 2021

Have you been doubting whether manifestation and the Law of Attraction really work because you’re not seeing any results in your reality? Are you constantly trying to manifest new things into your life but they just won’t show up?

Well, don’t worry — you’re in the right place if you want to change that! There are a few reasons why this could be, and I wanna break it down for you today.

You see: manifestation is ALWAYS working, and when you understand it fully, you’ll be able to harness its power & use it to easily create magic in your life.

As a master mindset & manifestation coach for ambitious females, I’m often asked how manifestation can play a role in reaching and surpassing our goals.

With spirituality becoming more & more popular, manifestation is the word on everyone’s lips — and it’s amazing, because there’s so much power behind it. People are realising that through manifestation, they are able to effortlessly attract their desires and create a life that’s better than they ever could have imagined.

On my own journey of creating the life of my dreams I’ve learnt about two of the most powerful laws in the universe and how to integrate them into my daily life. I have learnt how to effectively combine the Law of Attraction with the Law of Action, and it has made all the difference in my own personal growth, spiritual connection & professional success.

Living & manifesting my best life means doing what I love and seeing the best results in my clients’ transformation journeys.

So if you are looking to nail this manifestation thing once & for all, keep reading. Because yep, just like me, YOU are able to achieve & attract your wildest dreams, too.

In this article I will be sharing 3 important tips when it comes to mastering manifestation.

Those insights will allow you to attract your desires fast and finally call in everything you’ve been dreaming of. Are you ready? Let’s dive in and start making those dreams your reality…

Manifestation tip #1: Use visualisation to call in your desires

First of all, it is important to know that your brain thinks in pictures. For example, when you think about an apple, you have a very specific picture of an apple in your head, right? For many people, visualisation is a key first step if you want to attract your desires.

Why? Because everything starts with a thought — or in this case, a picture in your mind. You see, your subconscious mind can’t detect what’s real and what’s just existing in your imagination. So by visualising your dreams, you can begin to create neural pathways in your brain that will support you in creating the life that you want to live.

So how do we visualise effectively?

Begin by closing your eyes and think about the thing you want to manifest the most. What is it? What does it look like? I want you to visualise your desire in as *much* detail as possible. Give yourself plenty of time here — no rushing.

I want you to dream about your desire. To dive deep into your imagination and smile about it. Imagine yourself with your successful business, the dream partner or beautiful new home — because trust me, when you start visualising your desires in this way, you start to convince your mind that those desires are already real.

Creating a vision board is another great way to stretch your imagination — you can easily create one via digital tools such as Pinterest or Canva.

Manifestation tip #2: Embody all the feels

The second tip when it comes to manifestation is to FEEL it!

How would you feel waking up next to your dream partner? Or sitting on the beach in a paradise location, soaking up the sunshine & enjoying your freedom? How would you feel to be earning 6-figures or spending your free time in the home of your wildest dreams?

Take the time each day to feel into your desires. Because here’s the thing: there’s power in your feelings. Your feelings influence your thoughts, behaviours & actions. So by tapping into these feelings, you are embodying the energy of your desires… and thus, you attract your desires more quickly.

Similarly to how visualisation convinces your mind that your desires are already yours, feeling the emotions as if you already have your desires will get you into alignment with what you want FAST. This is what makes you an energetic match to your dream life.

So embrace it, feel it, and know that it’s already on its way to you.

Because the real secret? It all IS already yours. Believe me when I say that one of the most powerful things you can do to attract your desire is to feel like it is in your physical reality already — and truly *know* on a core level that it’s already yours.

You need to become a vibrational match to your desire so that it can flow to you quickly. Become a magnet to your manifestation by embodying the feelings of already having it.

Manifestation tip #3: Take aligned action to reach your goals

So many people visualise, journal and feel into their desires, but that’s when they stop. And it’s at this point that they decide that manifestation doesn’t work.

But here’s the thing. Once you’ve put in the internal work, it’s time to put effort into the external. When it comes to our desires, nothing will happen without taking action.

Nobody can expect their manifestations to fall onto their lap without physical action. In order for manifestation to work for you — you need to stand up and do what needs to be done to play your role in the physical co-creation process.

That could mean signing up to a gym as a first step towards manifesting perfect health. Or joining a dating app to attract your dream partner. Or maybe it’s simply driving a different way to work just because your intuition told you so.

Listen to your intuition as it will ALWAYS give you inspiration for your next steps.

Trust the process and know that everything will unfold in the perfect time for you. Your job is to hold your vision high, embody the feelings and take action from that aligned place. One step at a time. One day at time.

I know that sometimes it’s easier said than done, but keep following the manifestation process and continue following your dreams. Your desires are already yours and it’s simply a matter of time before they show up in your reality.

It’s up to you to stop playing small and go get what’s yours. No hesitation, no uncertainty, just full belief in the process and determination to achieve everything you’ve ever wanted.

Don’t stress about how and when your manifestations will show up in your life — they simply will! Trust 111%.

Your desires are there for a reason and you are BEYOND worthy of receiving them. Believing in yourself and the universe is everything you CAN do.

I hope that this article has served you & I can’t wait for you to go ahead and start manifesting everything you’ve ever wanted.

Happy manifesting!


Laura Herde is a Master Mindset & Success Coach, as well as a certified NLP, Hypnosis, Time Techniques, EFT and Life Coaching Trainer. She is also the founder + CEO of the expanding lifestyle brand Laura Herde LLC. Her mission is to help ambitious females go from burnout & overwhelm to balance & alignment.



Laura Herde

Master Mindset & Manifestation Coach | Empowering ambitious females to reclaim their power | https://www.lauraherde.com/links