5 Mindset Hacks for Inner Freedom & Happiness

Laura Herde
5 min readJun 7, 2021

As human beings, having a human experience on earth, it’s normal for us to have days where we face challenges. Even as a successful 6-figure mindset coach, I still have to navigate obstacles on a daily basis.

The difference is, I now have the tools and practices I need in order to bring myself back into alignment pretty fast.

As a master mindset & success coach, it’s my mission to empower other and to give them the same effective strategies and techniques that will help them take back control over their emotions and reaction to challenging situations. And the good news is — anyone can have access to these resources.

So while we can’t always control what happens in our external reality, we can control how we react and how we show up each day. You see, once we realise that everything we need for inner peace is already within us, it becomes much easier to make a shift as soon as we feel like we are slipping into a negative mental space.

And it all starts by cultivating our mindsets.

No matter what you are currently experiencing, it is 111% possible to start living with more inner freedom, peace and happiness. Here are my top hacks…

Mindset hack #1: Focus on the positives

Oftentimes when we find ourselves struggling, it’s because we have been caught up in our emotions. We constantly focus on what has been going wrong in our lives, and we continue in a downward spiral.

As someone who used to struggle with mental health herself, I know that it can be tough to break the cycle. But more than anything, it’s so important to focus on the positives in life if you want to create a shift back to inner peace.

There’s a reason why gratitude practices are so effective — directing your focus on the positive increases our happiness levels and drastically raises our vibration.

Trust me, implementing gratitude into your morning routine will be a game changer. Writing down what makes you happy and what you are thankful for not only makes you vibe higher, but it also helps you to get clear on the things and activities that actually bring joy into your life.

Mindset hack #2: Live in the present moment

It’s easy to get stuck in the trap of overthinking. Often, this looks like focusing on the past or worrying about the future. But here’s the thing: the only time we actually have is now — which is why living in the present moment is key if you want to unlock true happiness in your life.

No one can change what has happened in the past, and we also have no idea what the future holds. I believe that this is what makes life so exciting.

We are here to experience each day as it comes. It’s not up to us to control what happens in our lives, but it IS up to us to flow with life and to control our reactions.

By choosing to live in flow, we are able to tap into a higher vibration. We are able to bring peace into our lives, and we are able to see that we are safe, guided and protected no matter what. If you’re struggling to live in the present moment, mindfulness practices such as meditation or yoga are a great option to get started with living more in the moment.

Mindset hack #3: Practice breathwork

It’s not surprising that meditation apps, breathwork sessions and yoga classes are so popular. Practicing mindfulness and breathwork in this way helps us to let go of the thoughts that may be causing us unnecessary stress.

By focusing on the breath and breathing in deeply, we learn to control our racing mind. And in addition to helping you recenter and reconnect with the present moment, breathwork practices stimulate the vagus nerve which helps to bring your body back into balance.

Just like working out, it takes a while to develop a consistent breathwork practice. If you find your mind wandering, continue to bring your awareness back to your breath. With time, you’ll find your ability to stay present increases, and thus, you’ll find it much easier to tap into your joy.

Mindset hack #4: Trust in yourself

Many of my coaching clients come to me because they have big goals and dreams, but they lack the self-belief and self-trust to make things happen for themselves.

The problem is, we have been conditioned in our society to play small. We are taught from an early age, that we should downgrade our talents and keep our successes to ourselves because we fear coming on too strong. But the problem is — when we aren’t able to celebrate ourselves, we end up being overly self-critical, judgemental and focus on what we don’t like about ourselves instead.

With social media constantly showing everyone else’s highlight reel, it can be hard to love ourselves and see that we are more than enough — even on our bad days.

It’s only by cultivating a strong mindset, that we are able to build our self-confidence and develop a deep sense of trust in ourselves and our abilities. To begin this work, we can repeat positive affirmations in the mirror, use NLP strategies to break through limitations and blocks, or simply schedule extra time for self-care during our week. It takes time to rebuild our self-love and our trust in ourselves, but doing so will be truly rewarding and will allow you to live a much happier and more fulfilling life.

Mindset hack #5: Consume inspiring content

Similarly to focusing on the good, it’s important to be conscious of what you feed your mind on a daily basis. Throughout each day, our mind is exposed to a huge amount of information — all of which can affect us on a deep level.

Take time to reflect on what you consume. From the TV shows we binge, to the books we read, and the music we listen to — it all plays a part in how we feel, and thus, how we show up every day.

We all have the opportunity to take ownership of our lives — so if watching the news makes you miserable, don’t do it! Self-help books and motivational podcasts are my go-to if I want to change my perspective and get back into alignment. Great books and articles will help you to get inspired and change your life for the better… trust me.

By including these rituals, practices, and tools into your personal routine, you’ll be able to shift your mind and regain balance. I hope this helps you boost your energy and feel better about your life and all the blessings available to you.

We are all in this together. You are not alone and you are so loved.

Sending you lots of love & light,


Laura Herde is a Master Mindset & Success Coach, as well as a certified NLP, Hypnosis, Time Techniques, EFT and Life Coaching Trainer. She is also the founder + CEO of the expanding lifestyle brand Laura Herde LLC. Her mission is to help ambitious females go from burnout & overwhelm to balance & alignment.



Laura Herde

Master Mindset & Manifestation Coach | Empowering ambitious females to reclaim their power | https://www.lauraherde.com/links